Denham Springs
Main Street
Our Goal: Preserve and Promote the Denham Springs Antique District

Donation Request for the Silent and Live Auctions
On October 15th, 2021 the Denham Spring Main Street will be hosting a "Boots and Bling Extravaganza" at Forrest Grove Plantation. The event proceeds will benefit the preservation of Denham Springs Main Street as well as contribute to the funding of a permanent museum to be located at Old City Hall.
For the auction, any and all items are needed – specialty gift baskets items, gift cards, antique items, overnight stays- condos, hotels, B&B’s, items to be contributed to a gift basket, etc. Items can be brought to Old City Hall with the donation form attached.
There are sponsorship opportunities as well as a live and silent auction will be held during the event. The Sponsorship form can be found at denhamspringsmainstreet.org
Denham Springs Main Street is a non-profit organization that is part of a state and national Main Street program, dedicated to preserving the historic district of our city. In the past, we have aided in the refurbishing The Old City Hall on Mattie Street, as well as many other improvements to the district. The funds collected from the Gala will go towards establishing a permanent museum in The Old City Hall building. Our goal is create a museum that reflects the past, present and future of our city. Your tax deductible donation will assist us in this endeavor.
Thank you for your time.
Denham Springs Main Street