Denham Springs
Main Street
Our Goal: Preserve and Promote the Denham Springs Antique District
To Area Restaurants:
On December 5, 2019, Main Street of Denham Springs will present its 19 th Annual Holiday Chef’s Evening and Wine Tasting Event from 7:00 P.M. until 9:00 P.M. in the Antique Village in downtown Denham Springs. Participating shops will feature either a restaurant or wine during this two hour event. Only three hundred advance tickets will be sold.
All proceeds will benefit Main Street of Denham Springs, a national program designed to promote downtown areas of smaller cities in the country. Our task is to promote and preserve the Historic District, which is anchored by the Antique Village. Each participating restaurant will be responsible for providing all food, utensils, plates, napkins, etc. A three ounce serving is suggested, but not required. Please feel free to bring any business cards, signs, menus, or anything that promotes your business. Likewise, all publicity, programs, etc. will feature all restaurants, shops and our wine/beer providers.
After 18 sell out years, we are looking forward to this year’s event. It will be a great evening filled with good food, wine and music to welcome the Holiday season. We would like to extend an invitation to you for this year’s event and it is our hope you will join us. Denham Springs is a growing market and this event is a wonderful way to expose your restaurant to potential customers. If you need any additional information,
please contact one of the following: